The content of your heart is what your heart contains.
Are you content? Same spelling, different meaning.
We distinguish these words only by the syllable we stress.
Words are amazing, don’t you think?
If you are content, (satisfied, happy, at peace,) it is because of the content of your heart. If the content of your heart is anxiety, fear, envy and anger, it is difficult to be content.
Who determines the content of your heart? Is it you?
We can assume, I think, that the content of your heart will be whatever you have chosen to put in it.
What have you put in it? Is there anything in there you might want to take out?
Sadly, our success-driven culture considers a person who is content to be somehow deficient. We are supposed to be driven, never satisfied, always fighting for more, for better, for higher, am I right?
But the golden carrot that is dangled before our donkey eyes is that we might someday be content.
Oh, what a cruel master is that bastard with his carrot and his stick!
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