There are many interesting ways to measure results. Some people like to get unique identifying telephone numbers or create branded URLs that redirect to landing pages or the website. However, much of this is a waste of time and energy as it never tells the true story of the brand journey and how it affected the decision-making process.
Other indicators of brand effectiveness include tracking total lead volume, new customers, reactivated customers, or running a brand equity survey to get a sense of your share of mind.
Digitally you will see direct search increase, which cannot be affected by anything digital, as well as branded keyword inquiries increase. You’ll, of course, need to get your digital people to add these to your campaigns if you hope to see an increase in conversions. This will translate into lower CPC (especially branded campaigns), higher ROI, and ROAS.
More cryptic, but equally true measures will show up in increased appointment and sales conversion rates, higher average tickets, and more profitable revenue. This is because the people have already formed at least a partial positive opinion of you leading to a higher value prospect opportunity.
Wizard of Ads® for Services tracks the simplest of indicators. Top line revenue. When your branding takes effect, and the company responds in kind from the phone call or form fill-on, top-line revenue will increase. As time goes on and all sales and marketing channels continue to align deeper, profitable scale is inevitable. Efficacy is plotted on a T12, and total lead volume from all sources is tracked.
If you’re ready to dominate your marketplace and become the next household name, call Wizard Ryan Chute to see how you can work with Wizard of Ads® for Services.