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![A Colorful Cast of Characters](
A Colorful Cast of Characters
Storytelling takes your marketing from bland to brilliant. You bet. Learn to blend branding strategies with the art of storytelling to forge customer connections.
The ancient Greeks understood psychology a lot better than they understood science.
Hippocrates, the father of the Hippocratic Oath, believed that our information-gathering and decision-making processes are determined by an imbalance of 4 bodily fluids – red blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm – two of which have never existed in the form that Hippocrates theorized.
But the four basic temperaments that Hippocrates associated with these four fluids have lived on to be verified, codified, dignified and personified by screenwriters and novelists and social scientists* around the world. Hippocrates called these temperaments Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic.
More than 400 years ago, Shakespeare depicted the full range of human behaviors and character types by embracing the original theories of Hippocrates. The National Library of Medicine has an interesting online exhibit about it.
We see these four basic temperaments in ourselves, our family, our friends, and all the most interesting characters in every form of story-telling:
The Wizard of Oz
Lion (sanguine) Scarecrow (choleric) Dorothy (melancholic) and Tin Man (phlegmatic)
Archie Comics
Archie (sanguine) Veronica (choleric) Betty (melancholic) and Jughead (phlegmatic)
I Love Lucy
Ricky (sanguine) Lucy (choleric) Fred (melancholic) Ethel (phlegmatic)
Gilligan’s Island
Gilligan (sanguine) the Skipper (choleric) the Professor (melancholic) Mr. Howell (phlegmatic)
Star Trek
Captain Kirk (sanguine) Spock (choleric) Scotty (melancholic) Bones (phlegmatic)
Magnum P.I.
T.C. (sanguine) Tom (choleric) Higgins (melancholic), and Rick (phlegmatic)
Phoebe and Joey (sanguine) Monica (choleric) Ross (melancholic) Rachel and Chandler (phlegmatic)
Kramer (sanguine) Elaine (choleric) George (melancholic) Jerry (phlegmatic)
Roz (sanguine) Frasier (choleric) Niles (melancholic) Daphne (phlegmatic)
The Golden Girls
Blanche (sanguine) Sophia (choleric) Dorothy (melancholic) Rose (phlegmatic)
Sex and The City
Samantha (sanguine) Miranda (choleric) Charlotte (melancholic) Carrie (phlegmatic)
Schitt’s Creek
Moira (sanguine) Johnny (choleric) David (melancholic) Alexis (phlegmatic)
Desperate Housewives
Susan (sanguine) Gabrielle (choleric) Bree (melancholic) Lynette (phlegmatic)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Kimmy (Sanguine) Jacqueline (Choleric) Titus (Melancholic) Lillian (Phlegmatic)
Big Bang Theory
Howard (sanguine) Sheldon (choleric) Raj (melancholic) Leonard (phlegmatic)
The Office
Michael (sanguine) Dwight (choleric) Pam (melancholic) Jim (phlegmatic)
Game of Thrones
Arya (sanguine) Sansa (choleric) Jon (melancholic) Bran (phlegmatic)
Entertainment is the only currency with which you can purchase the time and attention of a too-busy public.
An understanding of the predictable frictions between these four temperaments – and their deep and abiding need for one another – is the basis of every form of long-term entertainment. The novelists who win the Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes know this. The screenwriters of all the hit TV series know this. And the ad writers who make a difference know this.
When you become intrigued with an interesting fictional character, you spend time with them, whether they are in a book, or a TV series, or in an ad campaign.
Most ad writing is transactional: “Give us money, and this is what we’ll give you in return.”
Transactional ads are about short-term “harvesting” but they work less and less well the more continuously you use them.
Relational ads are about long-term “customer bonding” and they work better and better the longer you use them.
Do you want your company to be the one that customers think of immediately and feel the best about? Create a long-term ad campaign that is 2/3 relational customer-bonding ads and 1/3 transactional sales-activation ads. These are the ad campaigns that create consistent year-over-year growth.
Think of it as seedtime and harvest.
Seedtime and harvest.
Book a call with Ryan Chute of Wizard of Ads® today.
![Start Your Own Business](
Start Your Own Business
Hard work, dedication and commitment is what it takes to start your own business.
It is naive to believe the world is a meritocracy, but it is defeatist to believe that you can’t win.
Six years ago, notacoward wrote,
“Entrepreneurship is like one of those carnival games where you throw darts or something.
Middle class kids can afford one throw. Most miss. A few hit the target and get a small prize. A very few hit the center bullseye and get a bigger prize. Rags to riches! The American Dream lives on.
Rich kids can afford many throws. If they want to, they can try over and over and over again until they hit something and feel good about themselves. Some keep going until they hit the center bullseye, then they give speeches or write blog posts about ‘meritocracy’ and the salutary effects of hard work.
Poor kids aren’t visiting the carnival. They’re the ones working it.”
We’ve all seen what notacoward was describing, haven’t we? Each of us knows people who were born on third base and think they hit a triple. They populate the royal families, the financial aristocracies, the college fraternities, and the luxury resorts of our planet. The business world is full of empty suits and corporate assholes who like to pretend they earned what they were given.
When you grow up in the poor part of town, you see hardworking people shake their heads and say,
“It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.”
“It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.”
“It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.”
This is nothing new. It has always been true. But it doesn’t have to apply to YOU.
I knew it didn’t apply to me because I once heard a 3,000-year-old story of a shepherd boy who became King because he was stunningly good at being a shepherd boy. When a lion attacked his sheep, he killed the lion. When a bear attacked his sheep, he killed the bear. And when a giant taunted his nation, he killed the giant.
The son of that King later wrote,
“Do you see a person skilled in his work?
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before obscure people.” **
Is it wise to protect the ones we love from the problems that taught us all we know?
I know a lot of successful people who wish they knew how to give their children the hardships that made them rich.
One successful young friend – just 42 years old – has created four separate fortunes during the past 20 years and is working on a fifth one. He started with nothing: no family money, no angel investor, no connections. His only assets were his courage and his relentless efforts. I asked him recently what advice he would offer the emerging generation. He said,
“I think the question this younger generation needs to be asking themselves is, ‘Ok, now what?’ Yes, it sucks, but it also sucks that previous generations were drafted and shipped off to die in wars.
So shit happens. And sometimes people slip through the cracks.
I’m happy to not call them ‘lazy’ if they’re willing to acknowledge that they still bear the responsibility of doing something… anything… to improve their lot.
Because lingering in whiney little bitch mode sure ain’t gonna get it done.”
If you have fallen into the trap of believing that you don’t have the money or the connections to rise above your circumstances, lift your head and open your ears to what I am about to tell you: Become exceptional. Figure out how to kill the lion. And then kill the bear. Solve the problem. And you will soon become the person that everyone – even the King – wants at their side.
If you aren’t a showman or a storyteller, you’re still in good company. Wizard of Ads® can help you create the brand or marketing story you need to drive your user experience. Book a call.
Lead Generation
![Calculating the Cost of Customer Acquisition](
Calculating the Cost of Customer Acquisition
Discounting, while tempting in its promise of quick returns, often comes at a hidden cost to businesses.
When your advertising leans on the weak wooden crutch of discounting, it is only a matter of time before that crutch splinters and slowly pierces your heart.
Discounting is a seductive drug like heroin, meth, and fentanyl. It rarely kills you quickly.
It prefers to kill you slowly.
Yes, I know that is an uncomfortable image, but I need you to understand how dangerous it is to discount.
Discounting erodes customers’ confidence in your pricing and trains them to delay purchasing from you until you offer them a juicy discount. Discounting also raises some questions about the quality of your product.
But hooray, that’s not what we’re talking about today.
Today I’m going to give you a method for acquiring customers that is far more powerful than discounting. This method allows you to pay for the results of your advertising according to how well your ads work.
No, we’re not talking about pay-per-click. (Remember, you’ve got to pay for that click even if the customer gives you a glance, flips you the bird, and walks away.) I have a Love/Hate relationship with pay-per-click and I’ll bet you do, too.
What I’m about to share with you is Love/Love/Love/Love.
- I love it.
- It loves me.
- You’re going to love it.
- You’re going to love me for telling you about it.
I believe in only two prices: full price, and free.
What can you give away for free?
Thirty years ago, I was given an ad budget of $10,000 and asked to bring 500 new customers to a struggling frozen custard business that had two locations, but neither one of them had inside dining. These frozen custard stands were walk-up and drive-thru only. And this was during the middle of the winter in a state where ice and snow are a regular occurrence.
I asked, “Do you care how I spend the money?”
“No. We just need to see 500 new customers.”
“Great. I’m going to spend $500 in a single day on radio ads on the smallest radio station in town and then I’m going to spend $1,700 on custard mix. You can keep the other 78-hundred. Get a good night’s sleep on Friday night because you’re going to be working 14 hours on Saturday.”
My radio ad ran twice an hour from 6am until midnight on the day of the event.
It said, “This frozen custard is so good it’s illegal in 7 states and under investigation in 12 more. And today, just to prove it, we’re giving away full-size cones for free.”
I called them just after midnight.
I asked, “Did anyone show up?”
“We just finished counting the empty cone boxes. We served 11,000 free cones today and at least 10,000 of those were people we had never seen before.”
Their business immediately jumped by 80% and their sales volume never quit climbing. Today they have 53 locations in 15 states.
Another example is the air conditioning company that had a history of giving customers a 15-hundred-dollar cash rebate if they purchased a new air conditioning system in October.
In 2014, I convinced them that customers would much rather have an iPad. Relatively few people had them back then.
They said, “But an iPad is only $700. What do we do with the rest of the money?”
I said, “Buy a few extra iPads for the people who call you and say, ‘Hey! I bought a new air conditioner from you two months ago. Where’s my iPad?’”
They sold a huge number of new air conditioning systems in October, two months after air conditioning season was over.
The first example was a full-size, free sample. Don’t be stingy. The second example was a highly desirable gift-with-purchase.
The more irresistible your offer, the better it will work. If you try this and it doesn’t work, you made a weak offer that was easy to ignore. Your offer has to be remarkable.
During the worst part of the Covid lockdown when doctors and nurses were working round-the-clock and everyone was losing hope, a jeweler crafted a beautiful lapel pin and paid a few dollars each to have 2,000 of them made.
The ad said, “Do you know a medical professional? Let them know that we have a special lapel pin or pendant for them and it’s free. It features a gorgeous pair of angel’s wings sprouting from the sides of a caduceus, that universal symbol of the medical profession. It’s a gift to every doctor and nurse from all of us, everyone in the city. We just want to say thank you for taking care of us.”
What we learned from that experience is that two thousand doctors and nurses coming into your store translates into millions of dollars in additional sales volume.
Is this making sense to you?
Custard mix and iPads and little silver lapel pins are much less expensive than advertising that doesn’t work. And if no one buys a new air conditioner, you don’t have to buy any iPads.
Here’s a question. What percentage of your sales comes from repeat customers and referral customers? Take a moment. Choose a percentage. Remember that percentage.
Second question. What percentage of your sales come from your highly visible signage, or branded vehicles on the road, or your marvelously visible location? Choose a percentage. Remember that percentage.
Add those two percentages together, then subtract them from 100 percent. Is that remaining number the percentage of your sales volume that comes from first-time customers?
Most business owners tell me that 10% to 20% of their sales are made to first-time customers. Did the percentage you calculated fall into that range?
Bringing customers back a second, third, fourth, of fiftieth time is cheap and easy IF THEY HAD A GOOD EXPERIENCE THE FIRST TIME. The challenge faced by every business owner is to bring new customers in for that crucial first visit.
Great ads remind your repeat customers of how much they love you. (This is important because people stay “reached” the way that grass stays mowed.) And great ads give increased confidence to your referral customers as well. But the monumental challenge faced by every business is to attract new, first-time customers and give them a happy first experience.
As I said earlier, I believe in only two prices: full price, and free.
Book a call with Ryan Chute of Wizard of Ads®, and we’ll hook you up.
![Your Personality Drives Your Business](
Your Personality Drives Your Business
Here is how to define your brand and captivate your customers.
My friend David Freeman gave me a tool about 20 years ago that I have used to great effect. David teaches screenwriters and novelists how to create fictional characters that draw you toward them like magnets.
It is not my objective to teach you David’s technique today, nor will I teach you my simplified version of it. What I hope to do is help you understand that your business has a personality. If it does not, then you do not have a brand; you have a logo and a visual style guide.
A powerful brand is an imaginary character that lives in the mind of the customer, no different than those imaginary characters that populate great novels and TV shows and movies. If you feel connected to a brand, it is because that brand represents something you believe in.
Each of us is a jigsaw puzzle, and when we see a strangely-shaped piece that will fit a correspondingly-shaped hole in the self-image we are trying to complete, we feel we must have that piece.
When we rise above a subsistence-level income, much of what we purchase is identity reinforcement. We buy what we buy to remind ourselves – and tell the world around us – who we are.
If you own a business, the personality of that business will be a reflection of your own personality. And the areas of your business that need improvement will usually reflect the areas in your life that need improvement.
Your personality drives your business. This is why your business will always reflect your personality. You really need to capitalize on that.
The most brilliant marketing consultants will:
- Identify the characteristics of your brand. It’s entirely possible that you never intended your brand to have these characteristics, but they will always be there. The best brand consultants want to answer the question, “What makes this brand think, speak, act, and see the world the way it does?”
- Amplify those characteristics so that the brand has a distinct personality. We do not bond with products or services that do not have a personality.
- Craft all messages so that they reflect the personality that has been there all along. When you do this, marketing efficiency is accelerated and customer acquisition rises to a new level.
A week ago I met with the owner of a furniture manufacturing company that designs all its own products. After scrolling through their website, I said, “Anyone who loves Apple and Tesla will love your furniture.”
His eyes got big and he said, “Those are the brands my team and I idolize! How did you know?”
I replied, “Your designs reflect the same values and beliefs as those brands.”
1. “You reject established styles and tradition.”
2. “You are going for that clean, simple, look and feel of elegant design.”
3. “You have created a walled garden; your stuff doesn’t mix well with other stuff. And your stuff is expensive.”
4. “At your core, you are a leader and not a follower.”
“These are the defining characteristics of the brand you have created. All you need to do now is begin communicating to the public in the voice of that brand.”
I was hesitant to share the defining characteristics of the brands created by Steve Jobs and Elon Musk with you because it could easily lead you to say, “Those are things I believe in, too! I’m just like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.”
Although it may be true that your worldview overlaps with Steve’s and Elon’s, it is highly unlikely that you share the same character diamond. Having used this tool for nearly 20 years, I had never before seen a company that mirrors Tesla and Apple in each of the 4 cardinal points.
The defining characteristics of your company – your brand – are probably different from the brands created by Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. It is difficult to craft your own character diamond because you don’t see yourself in the same way that other people do. It’s hard to read the label when you are inside the bottle.
You need someone on the outside to look at your brand and help you understand the personality of this wonderful, imaginary character you have unconsciously created.
This is the essential, first step that makes all the other elements of your marketing plan come together and sing in harmony.
Book a call with Ryan Chute of Wizard of Ads®, and let's create those mind-blowing ads.
![No One Listens to the Radio Anymore](
No One Listens to the Radio Anymore
Radio ads are far from dead. Discover a proven radio advertising strategy of frequency, cost per listener, consistency, and how to get your message heard.
“No one listens to the radio anymore. Radio is dead.”
When someone says that to me, I beat them unconscious with a Portable People Meter.
“Wait a minute. When you say, ‘beat them unconscious with a Portable People Meter,’ what do you mean by that?”
Okay let’s role play this. Say to me, “No one listens to the radio anymore.”
“No one listens to the radio anymore.”
How well do you understand the science of statistical measurement?
“I understand the basics, I think.”
You’ve heard of the Gallup Poll, right?
The Gallup Poll measures the opinions of the 260 million adults in America with 95% confidence and only a 3 percent margin of error. Do you know the sample size required to do that?
“Tell me.”
One thousand and sixty-seven people.
“That doesn’t sound right.”
Statistical scientists know their measurements are reliable because of the Law of Large Numbers. Are you familiar with the Law of Large Numbers?
The Law of Large Numbers guarantees stable long-term results for the averages of random events. While a casino might lose money on a single spin of the roulette wheel, its earnings will return to a predictable percentage over a large number of spins. Any winning streak by a player will eventually be overcome by the parameters of the game. The margin of error depends inversely on the square root of the sample size. In other words, the smaller the universe, the larger the percentage that has to be queried to get an accurate result. But the larger the universe, the smaller the percentage.
“What are you saying, exactly?”
In a universe of just 100 people, you have to ask nearly all of them to get an accurate measurement. But in a universe of 1 million people, you need only 600 people in your survey. To measure the entire United States of America, you need just 1,067 randomly chosen adults.
“So how many people participate in a radio survey in the average city?”
Name a city.
“San Francisco. It’s a tech city. Silicon Valley. There’s no way radio is reaching San Francisco.”
The Nielsen sample size in San Francisco is three times the number of people required to measure the whole United States. And Nielsen doesn’t measure just once per quarter. Nielsen measures San Francisco 365 days a year.
What do you mean?
“How are they measuring it? What’s the mechanism?”
It’s a digital device worn by thousands of randomly selected people. Nielsen’s Portable People Meter knows precisely which station you’re listening to, when you started listening, when you changed channels, and when you quit listening. It doesn’t rely on human recall, and you can’t lie to it. Nielsen’s Portable People Meter is as reliable as anything offered by Facebook or Google. Nielsen isn’t guessing when they tell you how many people are listening to the radio. They’re measuring it 24/7/365.
“You still haven’t told me how many people listen to the radio in San Francisco.”
41.6% of the people in San Francisco – 2,565,817 persons – spend enough time listening to the radio that we can efficiently reach each of them an average of 3 times a week, 52 weeks in a row. This means 41.6% of San Francisco will hear your new, surprising, and different radio ad 156 times this year.
“Yeah. But is it working? Radio, I mean.”
Radio is delivering better results for less money than it has ever delivered. I can say that because my 70 partners and I have been using radio to grow owner-operated businesses for more than 40 years.
“Okay, but isn’t attribution a problem? Sure, maybe your clients are growing, but how do you know that radio is what’s driving that growth?”
We don’t use a media mix when our client can’t afford to swing that hammer.
“What do you mean?”
We believe in doing one thing wholeheartedly instead of two things halfheartedly. A focused budget always outperforms a scattered one.
“Are you doing any digital marketing?”
Of course. Google is the new phone book, so you’ve got to be there when the customer goes looking for you by name.
“So you’re buying only branded keywords?”
Bingo. That’s how we track attribution. When we agree to work with a client, we look at how many people per week are typing their name into Google, and then we begin measuring (1.) the increase in branded keyword searches along with (2.) the top line growth of their company. Those are two of the three metrics we care about.
“What’s the third one?”
Cost Per Person/Per Year.
“Never heard of it.”
That’s because we invented it.
“Are you allowed to do that?”
Yeah. Welcome to America.
“How is Cost Per Person/Per Year different from Cost Per Point or Cost Per Thousand?
Food and Entertainment have a short purchase cycle. This means you will see results quickly when you make an enticing offer and create urgency. But most advertisers have a long purchase cycle. Consequently, they’ve got to become the company a customer thinks of first and feels the best about when that customer’s buying event occurs, and that takes massive repetition. Radio people call it frequency. But you also need 52-week consistency, which is essentially the frequency of the frequency, the repetition of the repetition.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
Cost Per Thousand and Cost Per Point measure the cost of reaching an individual only once. But radio works its magic through relentless repetition. When you make your scheduling decisions based on Gross Rating Points, you will reach too many people with not enough frequency. Reach is easy to achieve on radio. But reach without frequency and consistency is a recipe for disappointment. If I buy 100 Gross Rating Points how many people have I reached?
“You’ve reached the mathematical equivalent of 100% of the population 1 time.”
Or perhaps I’ve reach 50% of the population twice. Or 25% of the population 4 times. Or 10% of the population 10 times. Or 100% of the population 1 time. Are you suggesting that each of those schedules is going to result in the same outcome?
“So how is your Cost Per Person/Per Year different from Cost Per Point?”
Cost Per Person/Per Year requires the same individual to be reached 3 times within 7 nights sleep, and this needs to happen 52 weeks a year. It is a mistake to multiply reach times frequency. They are not interchangeable. When you multiply reach times frequency to calculate Gross Rating Points, you are crippling the effectiveness of radio. For radio to work its magic, you have to protect 1-week frequency at all costs, and then you have to have consistency. If you want to reach 100% of the people and convince them just 10% of the way, make your buying decisions based on Gross Rating Points. But if you want to use that same budget to reach 10% of the people and convince them 100% of the way, use Cost Per Person/Per Year.
“You’re saying a weekly 3-frequency is the non-negotiable?”
“So what is your target for reach?”
When you are certain you are achieving a weekly 3-frequency, you add Net Reach by adding more stations to your weekly schedule until you run out of money.
“I’m beginning to see what you mean when you say that you would rather do one thing whole-heartedly instead of two things half-heartedly.”
Technically, you could say that we are doing a second thing when we use Google ads to measure the increase in branded keyword searches.
“Yeah, but that’s going to be cheap. You’re really just doing radio.”
Yes, we’re really doing just radio. Or we’re doing just TV. Either way, we’re doing just one thing.
“And you say that’s working out for you?”
When you write ads that are new, surprising, and different, and make your media placement decisions using the criteria I’ve just outlined for you, your clients will grow until they become so big that they sell to Private Equity for hundreds of millions of dollars.
Yes, damn indeed.
Unless you work with seasoned marketers with rich experience writing irresistible advertising, like Ryan Chute’s teams at Wizard of Ads®. Book a call.
![How Does Advertising Work?](
How Does Advertising Work?
Unlock the secrets to effective ads and a formula that drives real results.
I have a friend who is a famous online marketer. Last week he sent me an observation I found interesting. It occurred to me that you might find it interesting as well.
“Now that targeting is pretty much dead on Facebook and Instagram, I have a theory that the rules of reach and frequency that have always applied to radio will also apply to social platforms as they shift away from micro-targeting and toward looking more like mass media.”
[Frequency means repetition. – editor]
And then he asked a question.
“Can you remind me again what your magic formula is for reach and frequency when buying radio ads? I know this is a bit like someone asking me how to spell SEO, but this came up in a conversation I was having with a buddy the other day and I felt stupid that I couldn’t remember it.”
Happy to help. Here’s what you’re looking for:
APE = Advertising Performance Equation
Share of Voice x Impact Quotient = Share of Mind
Share of Mind x Personal Experience Factor = Share of Market
Share of Market x Market Potential = Sales Volume
1.Share of Voice: How much of the noise in your category in your marketplace is your noise? (All media combined, including word of mouth)
2.Impact Quotient: The average impact of a message in your category is 1.0. If your ads are 30% better than average, you score a 1.3. If your ads are 10 percent weaker than average, you score a 0.9 … the Impact of your message can accelerate or reduce your Share of Voice
3.Share of Mind is the percentage of real estate you own in your category in the mind of the average customer.
4.Personal Experience Factor is likewise measured with a 1.0 being, “exactly the experience your customer expected.” Anything above a 1.0 is a delight factor. Anything below a 1.0 is depth of disappointment. Online reviews are just measurements of a customer’s Personal Experience Factor
5.Share of Market is your sales volume as a percentage of the total sales available in your category, in your marketplace.
For a message to enter Declarative Memory (mid-term memory – longer than Working Memory – but not yet Procedural Memory, which is involuntary, automatic recall,) a message should be repeated to the same individual at least 3 times within 7 night’s sleep. Further research has lowered this number to as little as 2.5 repetitions per week.
The more memorable the message, the less repetition is required. Therefore, the only way to beat the system (Google) and save money is to create messages that are highly memorable. NOTE: Any limited time offer with a call-to-action is erased from declarative memory when the “limited time” window is closed. This is why you cannot build a brand with Direct Response calls-to-action.
To become a household word and enter long-term Procedural Memory, you need to hammer your message into the mind of your target at least 2.5 per week for at least 3 years. But even then, it will fade within 24 months after your ads disappear, assuming that your ads have only the average 1.0 Impact Quotient. But a message – or an experience – with a significantly higher Impact Quotient can enter Procedural Memory and become automatic, involuntary recall, with only a single repetition. PTSD is an example of this.
The key to absolute category dominance is to elevate your Impact Quotient and Personal Experience Factor to numbers above 2.0.
In other words, you’ve got to have awesome ads and deliver an amazing customer experience.
But you already knew that.
“This is perfect. Thank you. Have any of your partners tested APE in social ads (FB, IG, TikTok, etc.) to see if the numbers hold up? I would have to assume that Share of Voice would be difficult to lock down given that the media is so mass and it’s obviously easier to scroll past a social ad than it is to skip a radio ad, but it would be interesting to run an impression campaign set at 5 impressions per week (2X the 2.5) to see how long it would take to move the needle on overall leads and sales.”
We haven’t tested the APE online. You get to be the official pioneer.
“Game on.”
ONE LAST THING: The reason that so few people lift their companies to the level of category dominance is that they chicken out, pull the plug and proclaim, “That didn’t work.”
Messages written to accomplish Customer Bonding don’t work immediately. Building a relationship takes time.
If you are conditioned to seeing urgent, direct-response ads deliver quick results, you will soon become convinced that your Customer Bonding campaign isn’t working.
The majority will bail out within the first 4 months. I’ve seen campaigns take as long as 7 months before they emerge from the darkness into the sunlight. But once you reach breakthrough, your Customer Bonding campaign will work better and better the longer you keep moving your message forward. And then you wake up one morning and the competitor in second place is so far behind you that they don’t even show up in your rear-view mirror.
Game over.
Book a call with Ryan Chute of Wizard of Ads®, and we’ll hook you up.
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Why Wizard of Ads® for Services?
Are you ready to transform your business into a distinctive, emotionally resonant brand? Here's why hiring Ryan Chute, Wizard of Ads® for Services is the game-changer your business needs:
Distinctiveness Beyond Difference: Your brand must be distinctive, not just different, to stand out. We specialize in creating an emotional bond with your prospects to make your brand unforgettable.
Building Real Estate in the Mind: Branding with us helps your customers remember your brand when they need your service again, creating a lasting impression.
Value Proposition Integration: We ensure that your brand communicates a compelling value proposition that resonates with your audience, creating a powerful brand-forward strategy.
Who Should Work with The Wizard of Ads® for Services?
Wizard of Ads® for Services start by understanding your marketing challenges.
We specialize in crafting authentic and disruptive brand stories and help build trust and familiarity with your audience. By partnering with Ryan Chute, Wizard of Ads® for Services, you can transform your brand into one people remember and prefer. We understand the power of authentic storytelling and the importance of trust.
Let us elevate your marketing strategy with our authentic storytelling and brand-building experts. We can take your brand to the next level.
What Do The Wizard of Ads® for Services Actually Do?
Maximize Your Marketing Impact with Strategic Alignment.
Our strategy drives everything we do, dictating the creative direction and channels we use to elevate your brand. Leveraging our national buying power, we ensure you get the best media rates for maximum market leverage. Once your plan is in motion, we refine our strategy to align all channels—from customer service representatives to digital marketing, lead generation, and sales.
Our goal is consistency: we ensure everyone in your organization is on the same page, delivering a unified message that resonates with your audience. Experience the power of strategic alignment and watch your brand thrive.
What can I expect working with The Wizard of Ads®?
Transform Your Brand with Our Proven Process.
Once we sign the agreement, we visit on-site to uncover your authentic story, strengths, and limitations. Our goal is to highlight what sets you 600 feet above the competition. We'll help you determine your budgets and plan your mass media strategy, negotiating the best rates on your behalf.
Meanwhile, our creative team crafts a durable, long-lasting campaign designed to move your brand beyond mere name recognition and into the realm of household names. With an approved plan, we dive into implementation, producing high-quality content and aligning your channels to ensure your media is delivered effectively. Watch your brand soar with our comprehensive, strategic approach.
What Does A Brand-Foward Strategy Do?
The Power of Strategic Marketing Investments
Are you hungry for growth? We explain why a robust marketing budget is essential for exponential success. Many clients start with an 8-12% marketing budget, eventually reducing it to 3-5% as we optimize their marketing investments.
While it takes time to build momentum, you'll be celebrating significant milestones within two years. By the three to five-year mark, you'll see dramatic returns on investment, with substantial gains in net profit and revenue. Discover how strategic branding leads to compound growth and lasting value. Join us on this journey to transform your business.
Ready to transform your world?
(do it - you
deserve this)
deserve this)