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![Who’s In Charge?](
Who’s In Charge?
Are you afraid of change? Are you scared to let go of even a little bit of control? Figure out these questions before your family business becomes complicated.
This may seem like a simple question, but things can get complicated with a family business.
However, your ownership is structured someone has to be CEO, or potentially Co-CEO’s.
I cannot stress this enough: RULING BY COMMITTEE DOES NOT WORK. Not only will it cause problems, but it’s also incredibly inefficient. Having said that, there are some important things to keep in mind to help things run smoothly.
Keep people informed
Whoever is in charge needs to keep the rest of the family informed and bring them in on big decisions. Being CEO of a family business doesn’t mean you should act unilaterally even if you’re the majority owner. This will undoubtedly cause resentment. People just want to be included, especially if they have an ownership stake, and simply bringing them in on what you want to do will make them happy. You’ll still get to do what you want, but everyone feels like you’re in this together.
Stay in your lane
Everyone has a role to play, and people need to respect each other’s territory. This is true in any business, but in a family business, it can get ugly. If I’m in charge of a department and another family member makes a decision for me or is checking up on my employees and what we’re working on, then we’re going to have words. It makes no difference if they have equal or even more of an ownership stake than I do, I’m taking that as not trusting me. It also looks bad and creates confusion with the employees. If you have a question, ask me. As Vito Corleone said, “Never let anyone outside the family know what you’re thinking again.”
I’ve mentioned respect, but it’s really what this entire post is about and deserves to be highlighted. Respect is certainly earned not given, but once a family member has proven themselves then trust them to do their job. Don’t hover, don’t micromanage. They may be your son or daughter, niece or nephew, but they aren’t kids anymore and have a vested interest in the business succeeding. Trusting them is showing ultimate respect, and while it may not be intentional, micromanaging says loud and clear that you neither trust nor respect them.
What This Looks Like In The Real World
I was part of the 3rd generation in our business. We had to fight to get respect and trust from our parents and uncles, and there were more than a few heated exchanges. This wasn’t when we were in our twenties and knew we had much to learn. We were well into our 30s or even early 40s. Part of this was the 2nd generation not being willing to let go of certain things and let us handle them, but another big part was we were driving change and they struggled with that. When your kid is telling you that you can’t do some things the way you’ve done them (and very successfully so) for 30 years, that’s tough. These weren’t changes we were making just for the hell of it, they were changes we HAD to make because the world had changed.
I’m referring specifically to children’s product safety regulations. Now we never had a safety issue, but with the new regulations it was a massive undertaking to develop testing protocols, review our sourcing, and last but not least, all of our top customers developed their own protocols we had to go through. This was the fun I was put in charge of. The main result was you could no longer just buy and sell something, and with my Father being in charge of the product that led to some butting of heads. I had to tell a guy who developed a product line over decades that made us the largest arts and crafts wholesaler in the United States that he wasn’t allowed to buy something, or that it needed changes before we could commit. Suddenly his kid was “The Hammer” and the majority of the product had to be cleared by me and my team. I was even nicknamed “Dream Killer” by the purchasing and product development teams. When I would say no he would get mad. Explaining why didn’t help, and he would react as if I had made the laws and it was my fault, and then I would get mad.
This was our battle, but I had cousins and siblings going through their own battles with 2nd generation family members. Some relationships have never been the same.
Time For A Gut Check
So I urge you and the rest of your family, before it gets to that point, to take a step back and figure out what you’re really upset about. Are you afraid of change? Are you scared to let go of even a little bit of control? Do you genuinely not trust this relative? Figure that out before it boils over and you might say something you can never take back.
Book a call with Ryan Chute of Wizard of Ads®, and let's create those mind-blowing ads.
![I want to help you be gruntled about business](
I want to help you be gruntled about business
Gruntled. Gloriously gruntled. Gloriously gruntled with gumption. Gumption for greatness.
Gobsmacked is okay – I mean, who doesn’t want their clients to be pleasantly surprised with the results of a campaign designed to grow their business? Growth, after all, is a minimum expectation. No matter how reasonable or how much they understand “the economy is rough out there” clients pay money to brand and advertise because they want to make more money. Maybe to advertise more. Maybe not.
But back to the “G” words. Gruntled is my new favorite.
It is the opposite of what can often happen. Disgruntled. That one conjures feelings of regret and angst in anyone working to bring more success to a business that trusts you. A person who trusts you. Because we all have bills to pay, right? I don’t want disgruntled clients. They are not destined to be clients for long.
So, why do we know the meaning of the word disgruntled, but not as readily as its root word gruntled? Was I concentrating on the negative? Not reading enough? Falling into cliches and worse – overused adjectives?
Adjectives are more than just the words on a menu that justify a higher number on the left-hand side. A cheeseburger is, well- it’s a burger with cheese. But a handmade cheese-stuffed succulent patty waiting to dance with your taste buds to the tune of an American cheese slice melody is, well…..more interesting, eye-stopping, and expensive.
It makes you feel gruntled to know you can order that AND get, not just fries, but home-cut, sea-salt-tossed moments of garden-raised spuds on the side.
Thawed or unthawed? I know what my dad says, even as I question his correctness, aka point out his wrongness. He knows what he means when he says unthawed. Most people do. My smart mouth correction is ignored…. as is my question of whether I should turn the AC up or down to make it colder in the house.
He is gruntled to use the word he wants. And to bug me a little. Beyond that, it’s all irregardless. Damn autocorrect wants me to say regardless. Not a chance.
We have a fear of speaking grandiloquently. Using big, fancy words few people know. I recently had this discussion with my well-read, well-spoken, most definitely quotable son. He shared with a group of long-time friends that he often struggled to use simpler words for concepts, philosophies, and ideas so as not to sound like a donkey. Donkey spelled with an ‘A”. He was gratified to be summarily chastised. “So, you are trying to sound dumb instead of precise? Most people want to sound smart. Why talk down? Don’t you want them to know you?”
He stopped doing that. And felt better. And more himself. Clarity can be achieved both by using simple language or spectacular language. Both is best. It’s knowing when each option makes you either an ass or an asset to any conversation, advertisement, or email that reflects on your motive.
One of my 4 brothers is an advanced care paramedic. He is supposed to use words I have no expectation of understanding in the hopes that his precise diagnostic information will save a life. He might say an acute ocular potential aura inducing primary cerebral discomfort. All I need to know is that yes, it’s a migraine.
If you grok what I’m saying, I know we’ve read the same book. And if we agree that 42 is absolutely the answer to all things I’m going to assume you somewhere packed a towel.
Language and our specific word choices make sure we are talking the same… well, the same language. I trust you and I’m interested in you and what you have to say and I love understanding exactly what you mean OR I want to understand what you mean and be part of the same group. The same tribe.
That’s why when my girlfriend told our Gal Group of Golfers that she was gruntled to be invited we all stopped and laughed and embraced being gruntled along with her. What a great word! I realized I wanted to use that word in an ad for a client who would also pause and laugh and realize it was indeed a superior bit of language.
It’s the kind of word when a listener hears it, a reader reads it, or a blogger blogs it, the business will know they heard it. They will be gruntled to know their ad was heard, read, and seen.
Which doesn’t mean the business has a new client or has sold something. Yet.
But this I know to be true. My gruntled client will be remembered and thought of. Hopefully first. When the listener, reader, or watcher finally, eventually, needs their product or service. Or when someone they know does and asks for their recommendation.
And that is something to be gruntled about
I wonder whose poised-for-growth business brand out there is ready to be beyond gruntled by an ad I write?
If you need an advertising expert to make your ads for you, book a call.
![You are a Marketing Company (Whether You Know it or Not)](
You are a Marketing Company (Whether You Know it or Not)
What is your main goal as a business owner?
Rethinking Your Business’s Primary Goal
What would you say your primary goal as a business owner is?
While your first thought may be to effectively manage things like product development, customer service, operations, etc. (all very important!), I am going to propose to you that it should not be any of these things… First and foremost, your primary goal should be to effectively market what you have.
Let’s start by debunking a myth that costs companies millions of dollars every year… marketing is NOT just a department.
“Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.”
~David Packard (Co-founder of Hewlett-Packard)
When we think of marketing as simply another department, we forget that when a company cannot market itself effectively, it eventually ceases to exist.
So at the end of the day, your job as a business owner is to bring your product/service to market successfully. If you don’t market effectively, you go out of business and the culture, operations, services, etc. that you worked so hard to build, dissolve into nothing.
What’s more, if you can market effectively, you can sell anything!
If you have built a strong brand presence for your company and done marketing right, it becomes easy to pivot in other aspects of business down the road.
- Want to own your upstream processes (manufacturing, supplying)? If you’re effectively taking the products to market already, why not?!
- Want to launch a sister brand? With strong marketing, you can cross-promote to all with success!
- Want to open up shop in a new metro? A well-established brand and messaging will allow you to grow quickly.
- Want durability in case a manufacturer or supplier cuts your top-selling products? Strong marketing builds customer loyalty to your brand, not just your products.
On the flip side, a weak brand presence or lackluster marketing puts you at enormous risk and causes each of these forementioned situations to become stressful. Think about it, if you’re already struggling to impact your current market:
- Why would expanding into a new metro or adding a sister brand be any more effective?
- Why would adding new products be any easier to market?
Without the revenue and brand recognition that comes from strong marketing, any one of these situations/opportunities can easily spread your finances too thin and sink your company.
To become impenetrable, you must stop seeing yourself as a furniture store, a jewelry store, a software company etc. and you MUST start seeing your company as a Marketing Company that sells __________.
Knowing How to Market Well
“But I wasn’t trained in Marketing!!!”, you may object.
That’s okay! But you’ll want to find someone to come alongside you who:
- Understands that marketing strategy needs to encompass all aspects of your company and its direction.
- Accepts financial responsibility for the growth (or lack thereof) of your company.
This is what we as wizards do, which is frankly a terrible business model if we cannot successfully grow our client’s companies. That’s why we only take on about 40% of the businesses that reach out to us.
We’ve found some of the biggest indicators of a business’s potential are determined by the owner’s character. We look for these three things:
- Integrity. Without it, any “success” is short-lived and followed by a quick downward trajectory. No thanks.
- Long-term mindset. Does your business have the capacity to scale operations to support growth? We love helping David take on Goliath… but if David has two broken arms, a peg leg, and an ego the size of California, we’ll wish him the best and keep our distance.
- Courage. To stand out in the market, you have to be willing to stand out. That means some people will love your marketing, and some will hate it. We know who your target audience is, and we are not concerned with the rest.
Interested in working together to turn your business into a marketing behemoth? Put time on my calendar and we’ll begin plotting your world domination!
![10 Ways To Know If Your Digital Marketer Is Legit](
10 Ways To Know If Your Digital Marketer Is Legit
Beware of warning signs from your "digital marketing consultant" and find a better guide to lead you to success.
Alright, my small business friends, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and dive deep into the digital marketing jungle. Prepare your machete! The promised land of incoming leads may be on the other side.
I know your plate is full with running your business. And now you have a growing challenge, digital marketing. That is definitely NOT your specialty.
You’re out there trying to find your way through the digital bushland, and you might think you’ve found a trusty guide in your ‘digital marketing consultant.’ But beware! Not all guides are created equal, and some might be leading you around in big-ass circles .
1. They don’t let you access your Google Ads account
They have the treasure map but refuse to share it, which means they can hide poor performance or mismanagement of funds. If you can’t verify your investment, you can’t tell if they’re squandering it or using it wisely. Always demand full control of your Google Ads account. It’s your property.
2. They claim their top-secret technology is proprietary
This is a convenient way to dodge accountability. Without transparency into the tools they use, you can’t assess their effectiveness or determine if you’re getting value for your money.
3. They deny you website admin access
If they guard your website like the crown jewels and won’t grant you access, you depend entirely on them for updates and changes. This lack of control can cause delays, incur added costs, and make timely updates to your site challenging. You should be trusted with the keys to your own kingdom. And if you part ways, you need to be able to take your website with you.
4. They use a proprietary website platform
If they build your website in their secret lair instead of on a widely used platform like WordPress, it will be tough – if not impossible – to switch consultants without overhauling your entire site. This locks you into a long-term relationship, whether it benefits your business or not. If you are on an open-source platform (such as WordPress), you will have more flexibility if you decide to move to another vendor for your website.
5. They charge a percentage of your ad spend
This model incentivizes them to spend more of your money on ads, regardless of the ROI. The more you spend, the more they earn, which doesn’t lead to cost-effective strategies for your business.
6. They direct traffic away from your website
If they send your hard-won leads back into the wilderness instead of to your cozy inn, you lose potential sales. Directing traffic away from your site means that you don’t control that visitor, they do. This can lead to lower conversion rates and lost revenue. This includes using a third-party hosted funnel to capture leads, rather than building a funnel on your website.
7. They provide vague reports and communicate poorly
If they hand you a crayon-scribbled map instead of a detailed chart, you can’t accurately assess your campaigns’ performance. Poor communication leads to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and misalignment between your goals and their marketing actions.
8. They control your tracking phone numbers
This can be particularly perilous. I had a client whose spurned digital marketer took the tracking numbers that he controlled and forwarded them to one of her competitors. Controlling the tracking numbers means they control a crucial part of your customer interaction and data. If things go south, they can misuse it to your detriment.
9. Ignoring your business needs
If your digital marketer is marching to the beat of their own drum, your business goals and needs are not being considered. This misalignment leads to ineffective campaigns, wasted spend, and ultimately, failure to achieve your business objectives.
10. They have no strategic plan for making you money
Without a plan of attack for the journey ahead, your campaigns will lack direction and purpose. A lack of proactive recommendations for improvement shows a lack of investment in your success and can lead to stagnation and suboptimal performance.
11. Ignoring Revenue Metrics
Focusing on vanity metrics that don’t directly impact your business objectives is a classic smoke and mirrors trick. Telling you about “Search Rankings” and “Cost Per Click”, while neglecting to mention “Sales” and “Return on Ad Spend” is a sure sign that you are getting fleeced. High rankings might make you feel good, but if they don’t translate into sales, they don’t matter.
12. They don’t let you control your Analytics
Google Analytics holds all of the key information that really matters to seeing what’s going on under the hood of your website. If your web people don’t give you direct access to your Google Analytics data, or they want to control it, there’s a good chance they have something to hide. You should control your Google Analytics account, and selectively share access to it with your digital marketing vendors. You should never let them kick you out of your own data. Your data should ALWAYS belong to you.
If your ‘digital marketing consultant’ is waving any of these red flags, plot a new course and find yourself a guide who can actually lead you to the treasure. The digital jungle is fraught with danger, but with the right map and a trustworthy digital marketing guide, you can find your way to success.
If you’re interested in learning more about the best means for marketing your specific business, you can book a discovery call here.
![What Kids Can Teach You About Story Persuasion](
What Kids Can Teach You About Story Persuasion
Unlock the secrets of effective storytelling in parenting and advertising. Learn from Aristotle to Larry Gelbart and how to craft narratives that captivate and persuade without starting with a sales pitch.
“Mo-ooom, Jimmy hit me!”
“He hit me first!”
“Well, he called me a poopy-head”
As a parent, you’ve experienced this magical bit of storytelling.
And I’m only partially sarcastic in calling it “magical.”
‘Cause the magic comes from the lesson on storytelling.
On the Nature of Stories
Aristotle says that a story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
But as comedian Larry Gelbart said, ‘So does a piece of shit!’
Without delving into what Aristotle meant, that description doesn’t do you much good.
So what Aristotle means is that a story isn’t a mere chronological retelling of events where this happens, then this happens, and then that happens, and so on in the manner of an itinerary.
No, no, no.
A proper story doesn’t have an arbitrary beginning. It has a determinative origin.
Nor does its middle just have a random series of events happening one after the other. It has a causally connected playing out of consequences and choices.
Finally, a story doesn’t have any old random endpoint. It has a meaningful conclusion.
And here’s the magic part: the meaning of the story is intimately connected to it’s beginning (and it’s end).
Your Kid’s Innate Storytelling Mastery
So when the first child cries out saying, “Mom, Jimmy hit me!” he’s telling a story.
A narrative wherein he’s the victim of unprovoked aggression by a predatory (and allegedly poopy-headed) Jimmy.
So what’s Jimmy to do in the face of that narrative?
He changes the beginning of the story.
And by changing the origin of the action, he changes the story’s meaning.
No longer a tale of unprovoked aggression, it becomes a saga of tit-for-tat justice.
Now Jimmy was the one subjected to an unprovoked strike, making him the victim, forced into deploying countervailing violence as self-defense.
So how does the first child respond?
He can’t let that counter-narrative stand, so he moves the beginning back even further.
By changing the origin to Jimmy’s provocation a la fighting words that challenged his sacred honor, thereby demanding an appropriate response, the narrative changes once more, back to his favor.
Look, there’s a REASON why for any and every conflict, we always want to know “who started it?”
Just as there’s a reason why the two parties involved will always argue over WHEN the conflict really began, trying to pin the blame of first offense on the other guy.
Because when and how the story begins determines the meaning of the tale.
Applying This to Your Ads
So what’s this gotta do with your ads?
If you don’t intentionally frame the beginning of the conversation with your audience, then the default origin becomes:
“Oh, great, here comes another loud-mouth jack-wad looking to sell me something.”
And that’s a poisonous narrative you just can’t let form in people’s heads.
So do what your kid would do!
Move the origin of your conversation backwards to where it’ll serve you rather than condemn you.
As in, “this whole story started LOOOONG before your ad hit the airwaves…”
It started when some defining life event sent you on a mission.
A mission that involved making the lives of customers better by _______
So you’re coming to the audience to share an experience, or perspective, or a funny and self-revealing story. Not to sell, but to bond.
For example, The Most Interesting Man (MIM) doesn’t start his story by pitching beer, for heaven’s sake!
It starts with legendary feats and mythical lore that has made him the most interesting man in the world. Some of which his ads tell you about.
It is only at the end that the MIM offers you his Wisdom to “prefer Dos Equis” as your beer of choice and “Stay Thirsty, my friends.”
Just imagine if he started with that advice instead of ending with it.
That makes for a much different — and far less persuasive — story.
It’s the same with you and your ads.
Don’t start your story with a pitch.
Start your story with an origin that’ll serve you and foster a narrative that’ll cause your competition to cry out to their mommies for relief.
If you aren’t a showman or a storyteller, you’re still in good company. Wizard of Ads® can help you create the brand or marketing story you need to drive your user experience. Book a call.
![Derby Cars and Critics Both Race to the Bottom. But Your Leadership Must Not](
Derby Cars and Critics Both Race to the Bottom. But Your Leadership Must Not
Host successful events and build strong community ties. Learn about gracious customers, unavoidable critics, and the value of brand connections.
The sun is bouncing off the windows of downtown buildings. Your company’s banners are snapping in a light breeze. A massive crowd is barricaded behind supersized hay bales, forming a prickly necklace down a wide sloping avenue. The fans erupt in cheers, propelling every derby car on its gravity passage to the finish line.
Everyone is having a grand time and you did it.
Your business won approval from the city, recruited volunteers, encouraged employees, enlisted additional sponsors, procured prizes, and purchased advertising. You found vendors and filled quiet streets with crowds. Wow! Call it a success? You want to. But this one guy dropped a screaming F-bomb and launched a bird from his fist E-V-E-R-Y T-I-M-E your company truck and trailer drove by to gather racers and return them uphill to the starting line. He’s a downer. Time to engage.
“What’s the problem? Do you have a complaint? Please don’t swear around all these kids.”
“Don’t mess with my first amendment rights.”
“Ah, that’s not the issue here.”
“Hey man, **** you.”
Huh. Did this guy work for you once? An unhappy customer? Does he loathe gravity propulsion? You’re not trained for PSYCHO-analysis. Your arm hairs are dancing.
During the post-awards cleanup, a customer taps you on the shoulder, “Hey, just wanted to let you know, I really loved the day. Great fun. It’s times like this… you know, the community gathering here… it’s why we buy your tires and bring our cars to you. You do stuff like this. Thanks.”
Wow! You don’t hear that all the time. Okay, is that why you do it? There are lots of reasons really. You like doing it. It’s who you are. You’re a car guy. You like seeing adults having fun like kids. Yes, it’s a lot of work. Is it worth it? Does it help the bottom line? Is that customer a unicorn? Well… A LOT of people seemed to have a lot of fun.
Highlighting the pros/cons of organizing or even sponsoring events isn’t the purpose of this story. This is a true-story-people-lesson.
Certain people are fools. Many more are gracious.
A few even give you face-to-face five-star reviews. When you’re doing the right thing, you probably know it in your heart, your gut, your mind, and in the little hairs dancing on the back of your neck.
Forget the fools. Keep reaching for the stars.
If you need new branding guidance, book a call with no other than Wizard of Ads®. We'll help you figure out what new perspective on branding can work for your business.
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Why Wizard of Ads® for Services?
Are you ready to transform your business into a distinctive, emotionally resonant brand? Here's why hiring Ryan Chute, Wizard of Ads® for Services is the game-changer your business needs:
Distinctiveness Beyond Difference: Your brand must be distinctive, not just different, to stand out. We specialize in creating an emotional bond with your prospects to make your brand unforgettable.
Building Real Estate in the Mind: Branding with us helps your customers remember your brand when they need your service again, creating a lasting impression.
Value Proposition Integration: We ensure that your brand communicates a compelling value proposition that resonates with your audience, creating a powerful brand-forward strategy.
Who Should Work with The Wizard of Ads® for Services?
Wizard of Ads® for Services start by understanding your marketing challenges.
We specialize in crafting authentic and disruptive brand stories and help build trust and familiarity with your audience. By partnering with Ryan Chute, Wizard of Ads® for Services, you can transform your brand into one people remember and prefer. We understand the power of authentic storytelling and the importance of trust.
Let us elevate your marketing strategy with our authentic storytelling and brand-building experts. We can take your brand to the next level.
What Do The Wizard of Ads® for Services Actually Do?
Maximize Your Marketing Impact with Strategic Alignment.
Our strategy drives everything we do, dictating the creative direction and channels we use to elevate your brand. Leveraging our national buying power, we ensure you get the best media rates for maximum market leverage. Once your plan is in motion, we refine our strategy to align all channels—from customer service representatives to digital marketing, lead generation, and sales.
Our goal is consistency: we ensure everyone in your organization is on the same page, delivering a unified message that resonates with your audience. Experience the power of strategic alignment and watch your brand thrive.
What can I expect working with The Wizard of Ads®?
Transform Your Brand with Our Proven Process.
Once we sign the agreement, we visit on-site to uncover your authentic story, strengths, and limitations. Our goal is to highlight what sets you 600 feet above the competition. We'll help you determine your budgets and plan your mass media strategy, negotiating the best rates on your behalf.
Meanwhile, our creative team crafts a durable, long-lasting campaign designed to move your brand beyond mere name recognition and into the realm of household names. With an approved plan, we dive into implementation, producing high-quality content and aligning your channels to ensure your media is delivered effectively. Watch your brand soar with our comprehensive, strategic approach.
What Does A Brand-Foward Strategy Do?
The Power of Strategic Marketing Investments
Are you hungry for growth? We explain why a robust marketing budget is essential for exponential success. Many clients start with an 8-12% marketing budget, eventually reducing it to 3-5% as we optimize their marketing investments.
While it takes time to build momentum, you'll be celebrating significant milestones within two years. By the three to five-year mark, you'll see dramatic returns on investment, with substantial gains in net profit and revenue. Discover how strategic branding leads to compound growth and lasting value. Join us on this journey to transform your business.
Ready to transform your world?
(do it - you
deserve this)
deserve this)