
What is Branding? 3 Keys Toward A Customer's Mind

Harness the full potential of your brand with these three essential tips for captivating your audience.

Ryan Chute
Ryan Chute
February 4, 2022
What is Branding? 3 Keys Toward A Customer's Mind

Don’t you wish your branding strategy was as easy as casting a spell?

You’ve spent so much of your time and effort into building your brand, but it still isn’t reaching enough of your target audience and still isn’t establishing enough dominance within your market.

So how do you get yourself out of this metaphorical marketing dungeon?

First, you’ve got to understand what branding has come to be. It’s not the obvious, tactical process that many business owners still believe it to be. Instead, it’s more philosophically inclined.

Once you understand that, your ability to bewitch the minds of your target audience will come with ease. Especially when you apply our three key branding tips to your potion of persuasion.

What is Branding in Marketing?

The definition of “branding” can be a bit of a head-scratcher, even for those who have studied marketing. The concept can seem quite vague and hard to identify in specific terms, and for good reason.

Branding correlates with the mind, which is the most complex aspect of our existence. When we consumers think of a brand, whether we realize it or not, we immediately relate it to an idea, image or feeling.

For example, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Nike? Is it their high-quality sneakers? The brand’s “swoosh” logo and color scheme? Or the famous slogan “just do it”? Whichever comes to mind to you, that’s the brand image.

What about the brand’s idea? When you think of Nike, you might think of principles like health, fitness, proactivity, success or that “hard work pays off” mentality.

Finally, how does Nike make you feel? When you wear Nike shoes do they make you feel powerful, confident or like you belong to a community? Your target audience’s emotional anchor to your brand holds the most influence and it’s where most companies, unfortunately, miss the mark.

So to tie it all together, to have effective branding, you will need to successfully get into the minds of your customers by associating an image, idea or feeling that they have to your product.

As long as you consistently deliver your brand promise, your company will successfully attract new customers as well as retain loyal customers to generate long-term progress and sufficient results.

Main Types of Branding

Main Types of Branding

Branding doesn’t just come in one singular form. It can morph and shape into whatever mold you see fit. These molds can be categorized based on the type of business you have, its industry or the platform to which your brand emanates.

Personal branding

We see this everywhere in our modern age of social media and all of its influencers, so it’s an incredibly relevant and valuable type of branding to utilize.

Personal branding is about building your public persona that accurately conveys who you are and what you stand for. You are selling yourself as a person, not as a product, so it’s important that you are authentic and that your audience has a positive perception of you that stands out from the crowd.

Product branding

This is similar to personal branding but instead, you are creating a strong presence with a product, not a person.

Product branding focuses on a specific type of product which not everyone will find beneficial. That is why it is important that you lure in the right audience, and to do so effectively, you’ll need to have a deliberate aesthetic that attracts them to your product over any of the other options out there.

At Wizard of Ads®, we believe that entertainment is the currency that will buy the attention of your customer. If you want powerful branding that bewitches the minds of your target audience, contact us today!

Service branding

Service branding is much trickier to brand in the visual and tangible ways that product branding can, but it doesn't mean it isn’t possible.

Thinking outside the box will be your best help in creating service branding with a strong influence. You can do this by offering a free item that captures your audience’s attention or by providing an elevated customer experience that sets you apart from your competitors.

Retail branding

What your customer takes in the moment they walk through the door of your brick and mortar store will make or break their decision to buy. Retail branding is what you do to this environment to persuade them into becoming a buying customer.

Making deliberate design choices and product placements can heavily influence what products are noticed, and ultimately, purchased.

Want to attract your customers like magnets? Have a dazzling window display. Want to make your featured products more visible? Have them at eye level towards the front of the store. Much of this is intuitive, so use your best judgment.

Cultural and geographic branding

Cultural and geographic branding is to appeal a broader audience by associating your brand to cities, states, or even countries.

Think of the “I Love NY” T-shirts. Many people globally could say they’ve seen those shirts in movies, ads or other media channels. When people finally visit the big apple, one of the things on their to-do list could be to purchase one of those shirts and pose for a picture with it in front of the Statue of Liberty because of the fame and recognition it holds globally.

Corporate branding

Just like other types of branding, corporate branding communicates its values, price point, mission, exclusivity and ideal customer through its aesthetic choices and actions.

What corporate branding has that many other types of branding don’t have, however, is the branding it does for not only its customers but for its employees as well.

It is the expression of how the company conducts itself socially and professionally, and if it’s attractive to its target market, it’ll reel in more customers and more interested applicants to build a stronger and more influential company overall.

Online branding

As the name suggests, this is branding that occurs exclusively online. Everyone is online these days, so it would be silly at this point not to incorporate online branding into your marketing strategy.

You can present what your business has to offer through many online media channels like social media, email newsletters, your company website, podcasts, blogs, the list goes on.

Offline branding

Alternative to online branding, there is offline branding.

Merchandise, print products, retail, basically anything tangible to your customers is considered offline branding. Offering free stickers at checkout that your customer ends up putting on the back of their laptop? That’s easy offline branding right there!

Whatever allows your target audience to see your brand out and about in the world and get easy access to it is where offline branding truly becomes powerful.

3 Keys In Implanting an Associative Memory To a Customer's Mind-Thus Branding

3 Keys to Implanting an Associative Memory in a Customer's Mind-Thus Branding

Remember the story of Ivan Pavlov who won the Nobel prize for his research into branding dogs in 1904? He would ring a bell every day and then apply meat paste onto his dog’s tongue. The sound soon became associated with that particular taste, and salivation resulted because of conditioning. In psychological terms, this is called "branding."

Now that we’ve got a greater understanding of what branding is and what types of branding hold a dominant presence in our day-to-day lives, let’s go over the three key ingredients that make the secret potion of branding work just as powerfully as it did with Pavlov and his dog.


Pavlov made sure to always offer food when he rang the bell, and the same should go for you with your branding.

To have effective branding, there needs to be consistency in your brand’s image, ideals (the bell) and the result it provides to your customers (meat paste).

Consistency will ensure that your target audience will recognize your brand over others as it has a distinctive look that doesn’t vary depending on the medium in which its viewed.

Having the same underlining message and values throughout your branding will provide a brand promise that will give your customers clear expectations that should, in turn, generate consistent results.

When you provide consistent results, you create enough customer satisfaction and loyalty that will only further boost your brand awareness and overall revenue.


Pavlov rang that bell and provided a consistent result of meat paste for his dog, but he didn’t just do it every once in a while.

Pavlov rang the bell every day. If he didn’t, the dog would most likely lose the associative memory of what the bell signifies. This also applies to your branding.

If you are not keeping your brand relevant and giving it the everyday exposure it needs to gain your target audience’s attention, they will forget about it altogether. So be sure you are creating all the content and reaching all the relevant platforms you need to every day to keep your brand implanted in the minds of your customers.


It’s safe to say that without the dog’s love of meat, Pavlov’s branding experiment wouldn’t work. But why is that? The dog’s love of meat acts as an emotional anchor that keeps the dog’s interest in the sound of the bell. If Pavlov’s dog didn’t like meat, he would most likely stop coming.

Just like Pavlov's dog, your customers won’t buy your product or service unless it provides some sort of emotional anchor for them– a weight loss product that restores their self-confidence or a daily planner that makes you feel productive are good examples.

Whatever the emotional anchor your product or service provides, make sure it effectively delivers the results that it promises. Otherwise, your customers simply won’t come when the bell is rung.

It’s Time to Break Branding Barriers

You’ve made it. You’ve escaped the metaphorical marketing dungeon where branding is as much of a mystery as warlocks are to gnomes.

Now that you can identify, understand and wield the magical power of branding, there is nothing that your business can’t do. Your branding is your foundation, so don’t make a fragile one.

We’ve given you the magic you need for your business’ branding to thrive, but these aren’t the only useful spells in our spellbook.

At Wizard of Ads®, our income rises when yours does. If you want to see exponential growth within your business, contact us today!

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Ryan Chute
Ryan Chute

Helping small businesses become BIG brands with a holistic marketing strategy that speaks the same language across all sales and marketing channels.

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Why Wizard of Ads® for Services?

Are you ready to transform your business into a distinctive, emotionally resonant brand? Here's why hiring Ryan Chute, Wizard of Ads® for Services is the game-changer your business needs:

Distinctiveness Beyond Difference: Your brand must be distinctive, not just different, to stand out. We specialize in creating an emotional bond with your prospects to make your brand unforgettable.

Building Real Estate in the Mind: Branding with us helps your customers remember your brand when they need your service again, creating a lasting impression.

Value Proposition Integration: We ensure that your brand communicates a compelling value proposition that resonates with your audience, creating a powerful brand-forward strategy.

Who Should Work with The Wizard of Ads® for Services?

Wizard of Ads® for Services start by understanding your marketing challenges. 

We specialize in crafting authentic and disruptive brand stories and help build trust and familiarity with your audience. By partnering with Ryan Chute, Wizard of Ads® for Services, you can transform your brand into one people remember and prefer. We understand the power of authentic storytelling and the importance of trust.

Let us elevate your marketing strategy with our authentic storytelling and brand-building experts. We can take your brand to the next level.

What Do The Wizard of Ads® for Services Actually Do?

Maximize Your Marketing Impact with Strategic Alignment. 

Our strategy drives everything we do, dictating the creative direction and channels we use to elevate your brand. Leveraging our national buying power, we ensure you get the best media rates for maximum market leverage. Once your plan is in motion, we refine our strategy to align all channels—from customer service representatives to digital marketing, lead generation, and sales.

Our goal is consistency: we ensure everyone in your organization is on the same page, delivering a unified message that resonates with your audience. Experience the power of strategic alignment and watch your brand thrive.

What can I expect working with The Wizard of Ads®?

Transform Your Brand with Our Proven Process.

Once we sign the agreement, we visit on-site to uncover your authentic story, strengths, and limitations. Our goal is to highlight what sets you 600 feet above the competition. We'll help you determine your budgets and plan your mass media strategy, negotiating the best rates on your behalf.

Meanwhile, our creative team crafts a durable, long-lasting campaign designed to move your brand beyond mere name recognition and into the realm of household names. With an approved plan, we dive into implementation, producing high-quality content and aligning your channels to ensure your media is delivered effectively. Watch your brand soar with our comprehensive, strategic approach.

What Does A Brand-Foward Strategy Do?

The Power of Strategic Marketing Investments

Are you hungry for growth? We explain why a robust marketing budget is essential for exponential success. Many clients start with an 8-12% marketing budget, eventually reducing it to 3-5% as we optimize their marketing investments.

While it takes time to build momentum, you'll be celebrating significant milestones within two years. By the three to five-year mark, you'll see dramatic returns on investment, with substantial gains in net profit and revenue. Discover how strategic branding leads to compound growth and lasting value. Join us on this journey to transform your business.

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